Take Home Pay

Enter your take-home pay per pay period:
Number of pay periods per year:

Time Allocated to Work

Enter number of workdays per pay period:
Enter number of paid workhours per workday:
Enter minutes of unpaid breaks per workday:
Enter minutes of work-related commute time per workday:
Enter minutes spent getting ready for work per workday:

Unreimbursed, Work-Related Expenses

Number of work-related miles you drive your own car per workday:
Other work-related transportation costs per workday:
Your share of daycare expenses per pay period:
Dining out expense per workday:
Unreimburse Work-related Clothing Expenses per month:


Monthly Take-Home:
Monthly Work-Related Expenses:  
Monthly Net-Profit:
Monthly Work-Related Hours:
Real Hourly Wage:
We offer you several convenient and
secure options to get started.
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Fill out our Short Application Form
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1375 Locust St., Suite 205 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Tel: 1-800-336-3237
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